INFOGRAPHIC: How to Avoid SPOOKY ISSUES with Inspection Reports

Missing inspections, critical deficiencies, double scheduling and NFPA changes… this Halloween TREAT your inspection business well and avoid these spooky issues!!

Missing Inspections

Yikes! Missing an inspection can be scary (and dangerous) especially when tracking everything manually. Inspect Point allows you to schedule your next inspection directly within the customer account and puts it on the calendar for all the ghouls and goblins to see.

Generating and Sending

All the paper you have to keep up with during an inspection can give you nightmares. With Inspect Point, you generate the report as you’re doing the inspection, photos and all! When you’re done with the inspection, you’re done with the report. Generate and send wicked reports in just a few clicks!

Critical Deficiencies

Handwritten reports can sometimes look like a witches brew, and things can be missing or overlooked. Inspect Point allows your technicians to list critical deficiencies, identifying the most important, and can keep your inspections consistent from technician to technician.

Double Scheduling

Don’t get tied up like a mummy! Having visibility into a master scheduling calendar – see where your techs are, where they’re scheduled in the future, and where they have openings that you can fit more jobs into. Now that’s Boo-tiful!

NFPA Changes

Don’t go batty trying to keep up and implement changes with NFPA updates. Inspect Point incorporates changes directly into their platform automatically, so you don’t have to brush the cobwebs off your paper templates.

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